Useful calculators for home buyers and property owners

Use our calculators to help you make informed decisions about your property purchase and ownership.

Stamp Duty Calculator

Calculate the stamp duty land tax you'll need to pay on your property purchase.

Affordability Calculator

Estimate your monthly mortgage payments and determine how much you can afford.

Down Payment Calculator

Calculate your required down payment and resulting mortgage amount for your property purchase.

Refinance Calculator

Calculate potential savings from refinancing your mortgage.

Mortgage Overpayment Calculator

Calculate the impact of making overpayments on your mortgage.

Energy Efficiency Savings Calculator

Calculate potential savings from energy-efficient home improvements.

Mortgage Stress Test Calculator

Test your mortgage affordability under higher interest rates.

Help to Buy Equity Loan Calculator

Calculate your Help to Buy equity loan and mortgage amounts.

Why Use Our Calculators?

  • Get quick and accurate estimates for your property purchase and ownership
  • Understand the financial implications of buying and owning a property
  • Plan your budget more effectively for both short-term and long-term scenarios
  • Make informed decisions about your property investment and management
  • Explore various financial aspects of homeownership, from purchase to energy efficiency

Please note: These calculators provide estimates based on current rates and general assumptions. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please consult with a financial advisor, mortgage specialist, or relevant professional.

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